Oasis dating index
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Retrieved on 15 December 2007. We provide a setting where couples can connect emotionally and sexually to enhance their relationships.
Their tech support refuses to answer my emails for an explanation. Unsatisfied with Hutton, Arthurs invited and auditioned acquaintance as a replacement. For of the story, from experience stay away from dating sites from experience you will get played in every sense and no, not in a good way. I have been quite an active user on Oasis for the past few years. As the poster I've quoted stated, even jesus I believe the general male would consider to be average are in no hurry to find relationships. Even after her and I had been together for over a year.
I learnt that everything on his page was false — the photos were 8 years old!! Archived from on 25 October 2007. I saw on my now fiance's account that she was just getting flooded with requests and chats. Oasis spent the end of 1996 and the first quarter of 1997 at in London and Ridge Farm Studios in recording their third album.
Senior Dating - Then she blew me off for a local club footy match an hour before meeting up and never tried to reorganize , so I blew her off. We started chatting but never had a proper conversation, both logged in at different times.
I tried Oasis for a while , I never got genuine responses it's probably because I'm a guy that's only average looking. After Oasis I decided to pay on a paid site. I won't name the site so I don't sound biased Now I notice I get responses from genuine people because on paid sites people make an investment and there purpose is to actually meet someone. The other thing I noticed on paid sites is the quality of members. When you think about it it makes sense, What would women think about you if you where too cheap to fork out a few shillings to meet them, they simply wouldn't think much of you at all. To me Oasis wasn't free, because my time is valuable, and I'd rather spend it meeting someone over coffee at a cafe than waste my time reading thru useless messages. I just discovered Oasis and ended up here while searching around for what people have been saying about it. Hard to accept that it's totally free without there being something amiss! PlentyOfFish, also free, was interesting for a while but no fish were suitable there for me. OI's interface is very swish indeed. Of course that has little bearing on the profiles themselves. Bit rough IMO, bordering on highway robbery. You pay to send email, but the recipient can't even read it, let alone reply, unless they're a paying member too. So their structure is aimed at making people go premium simply out of desperation if they really want to contact someone. Again, not what I'd call a fair go. It's interesting that Match is now being taken to task for that approach: With the above in mind I, for one, welcome our free-dating-site overlords. I know only of OasisActive and PlentyOfFish so far. I wish they were being actively advertised to people here in Perth — the main downside is not many people know about them! One must always, always, be alert for scams, fakers and floosies unless you like that sort of thing whether in real life or on the net. Can't blame the site too much when it's free, as obviously they can't afford staff to vet everything. So yay for free dating sites, spread the word! It can only give RSVP et al some healthy competition and encourage them to be more fair with fee structures. Oasis active is much better than most, especially for a free site. It suffer's major problems because of the commonality of the people frequenting the site. The women online seem two-faced, completely hollow and devoid of any imagination. Most are after preferably 'hot guys' with ooodles of cash and no children despite the fact that they themself have children. Those kids aren't willing to step out of their comfort zone to initiate contact. I've noticed over the past years there has been an influx of fake nails and dolls with fake hair, lips and other artifical aesthetics who want the world handed to them on a silver platter... I'm sick of this whole internet dating.. I'm getting out into the real world where I can avoid the false advertising of artifical made-up dolls with a woman who can't stand up without a team of Party-officials friends telling her what to do every step of the way. Where are you my taller, older green-eyed lass with black hair? RSVP banned me for some reason and all I did was make an account. Their tech support refuses to answer my emails for an explanation. Maybe its because I blocked their bots who kept sending requests.... I would get out more, but having finish study I dont' have much of a network for going out and meeting people and most of my female friends aren't around no more shakes fist. Haven't had much luck at all on OA.... I spent a few months on there and have theories as to why it doesn't work in the way I hoped it would or, put another way 'works the way that it does'. As the poster I've quoted stated, even women I believe the general male would consider to be average are in no hurry to find relationships. I believe that they get more attention on Oasis Active than they do in real life. Often very flattering attention so there may not be a great incentive to leave Oasis Active. In the three or so months I was on there, of the 30+ people I chatted to, not one left because they found a partner. One female I spoke to would receive 30+ requests for contact on an average Saturday night. The odds of finding Mr Perfect are tantalisingly high with that many contact requests coming in and it would be tempting to hang around and wait for him to come along. However, the chances of Mr Perfect actually existing are unlikely, so they continue to wait. I joined to find a potential partner but decided that it didn't really work in that way. People seemed to prefer using it as a social site for chatting rather than actually seriously considering a relationship, in my opinion. Yes I have had experience with this site. We met for coffee. He sat down and said 'I'm married, well we share the same house which we're selling. I learnt that everything on his page was false — the photos were 8 years old!! Wildatheart I've learnt sometimes we have to learn the hard way. He's the one with the problem and yes like you I'd like to flag loverats on OA! I dont know how else its supposed to work — mind power Hardley any woman accept my requests. Im not that super hit , OK looking. However 99% of woman turn down my requests. I have changed my profile , pictures, tried everything , no luck. No idea what am doing wrong. Some accept me then refuse to chat. One chatted then removed me. One had me going for THREE weeks , even gave me her number then when I tried to organize a meeting she went strange , made it really hard then accused me of having issues with it. Then she blew me off for a local club footy match an hour before meeting up and never tried to reorganize , so I blew her off. Its so strange , I have no idea what these woman want , their profiles are so general its confusing. Maybe its tom cruise looks plus money I think your right, I honestly believe am not that bad looking , dont have chiseled looks. I reckon Im cosmopolitan been overseas and have a great job , but these woman dont seem to care , many are not interested. There are probably many desperate guys on there and these woman dont have to do anything for contact. Im am fed up woth initiationg contact. One woman in Jondalup denied me because I was living too far away even though I was well within the 50km limit she had on her profile. I first tried RSVP on the assumption that paying would somehow indicate a level of serious intent. I joined Oasis Active and found it better than POF, valuing the system function that you need to be contacts in Oasis Active before you can chat. I've tried a variety of amount of detail in my profile and always list many interests. Recently I have hidden my profile pic, giving access to my hidden pics to men who agree to my contact request. I have chatted to about 50, met about 25 face to face, dated one for 6 months but I haven't found a long term partner. I've made some new friends and I live in hope. Some of my friends say on line dating sites are not the place. All the men at work in my age bracket are married, similarly my mates at the gym, online is the only place I know to seek! I don't believe in Mr Perfect, I am looking for Mr Compromise, Affection, Companion, Sexy in each other's eye and Support. To be honest I have gotten a lot more rejections than actual accepts as well as harldy any invitations. I mean come on..... Masters Degree and working in Accountancy....... Like I said, raggedy women collate on this site. If anyone found a partner from there, congratulations cuz you were the lucky ones, cuz seriously you know.. Im cool with everyone but some of these women are way too picky for their own good. Oh and since that girl got murdered from meeting randoms from facebook, I better add that in since ppl are blaming facebook who knows.. Unfortunately the poor young woman who was murdered appears to have met her killer at a remote location. If both people use some common sense and meet in a populace place eg coffee shop they should be safe. If I'm going to met a new man I always tell a family member or friend where I am going and what time I expect to be home. I've only my own experience to go on regarding being picky and believe a long term relationship is sustained by some shared interests. On the other hand I welcome learning about new interests a partner may offer. Like everything in life it's difficult to find a balance. I have a profile on 4different sites, in the last 6 months I have had one offer to chat that 'I' deemed to be suitable. The same men are on most of the sites available. The same men are either total tossers, or it is pick a pensioner. I do tend to be fussy, and I am not into one night experiences, as is the seeming desire of a lot of blokes on there. I am honest, my pic is honest, and obviously I do not appeal to men. I dont get out much, I have a job and a child and I am not prepared to meet someone who lives a zillion miles away, especially those people who have a desire to meet someone so they can move here, so not my thing. Actually all I want is someone to go fishing with, have good times with, enjoy the moment and provide companionship and support. Oh and not rip me off financially........ I have enough STD already. Not too much to ask is it. I have better luck at Aldi. Most Internet dating sites are trolled by 1: Ladies who only like the thrill of the chat up, freaks who cant actually make or form real relationships so they spend their time working themselves up by chatting and teasing men before dumping them 2: Serial slags, who only want quick sex 3: Lying men who are married, but think they can get away with playing away 4: Deserate men who are sucked in to paying huge money to trawl through fake profiles 5: about 2% genuine people I met a girl off of RSVP about four years ago, An hour before i went to her house she spoke to me and sounded quite sane When i arrived at her house she was paraletic drunk in her undies and fell over as she got up to meet me, I left... Ive also met some girls who, quite frankly will never have a solid partner EVER due to either a massive check list of the perfect man OR mental instability. Sorry to sound harsh but Internet dating sites.. First time was not a good experience, bit of a 'nutcase' you'd say. But the second person I met, just broke up with her recently my fault mainly but that was a 5-month relationship. So 1 outta 2 isn't a bad start. I will prob setup a profile again at some point, I think the important thing is that both people need to know what they are looking for so it doesn't turn into a bad situation eg. MY experience of any meets fromm dating sites, and ive done a few... One I talked to for a bit, and when I came back online it said she had removed me. One I was chatting to for about 5 days. Exchanged first names , she liked all my photos etc etc. Then one night i logged on , had a brief exchange then said i had been invited for a jog , told her I would be back in half an hour. Told her I would be back at 8 if she still wanted to talk. The next day she deleted me. Moral of the story , never take off on a girl when you have just started a chat. Never leave more than one message while she is off line , she will find that weired it seems. Another girl i was talking too one night , exchanged first names , she seemed great. She wasnt on for a week , got back on and deleted me. Also it seems alot of girls seek approval from friends before continueing on with someone. I dated girls on this site who said they consulted friends before seeing a guy. If girlfriends dissapproved then it was over. You need a tough backside to survive this site. Oh yeah something else too explain something , woman get hundreds of requests literally. The last girl I dated who was 5:11 and I would say only average looking told me she got 100 requests in a week. I asked her why she didnt go for the hottest guy , she said my profile was genuine. I wasnt a creep. Some of the hot guys treat oasis active like a get laid site , just use woman for sex. Unfortuanatly many woman dont go for genuine guys , they want the tall dark handsome guy. I just want a woman I get alonmg with. My mate is 6. But woman cant seem to get passed his tall lean look. Also me and a friend made a fake chicks profile. In 10 minutes got 10 requests and 48 looks. No wonder guys hardly have much succes. We deleted the profile after 10. You need a tough backside to survive this site. True that, but hey you can't possibly hope any chick will hang around you after meeting online, can you? Not only OA has thousands of fake profiles, they have pretty frustrated women too. Girls who got a fight with their bf, husband, drunk... If you think everybody is normal, you'd expect them to act normal, but they are not normal... So yeah, life goes on bro, whether or not them chicks reply or forget you. Every profile is created by genuine people, but they are not always women : You know how OA makes money, right? For any NOOB, it's the clicks, the adds. The more people you will have in this site, the more money it will earn, as simple as that. Now go back to freelancer. I found quite a few jobs which will pay you money for creating 100s of dating accounts. Terrible, but it's the reality. It's not that people in oasis hates you or they're weird, it's just that they don't exist in the first place!! Wonder why everyone so hyped up about OA, I mean... I joined this site about 3 months ago. And i thought to myself i cant be that ugly. The experiment worked, it just proves that girls on oasis active are only interested in guys that are model material. It just made me really mad that there only interested in good looking guys and they don't give a stuff about the real guys like me, you know,i have a great personality, great job, good money and yet i couldn't get anyone. Anyone else having the same problem? I was not looking for anyone at first. I was just bored one Sat night at home. I saw the ad on TV and decided to register. After chatting to a number of girls for a few months I started meeting some. I went on a few dates which were fun. Eventually I started seeing one girl. A friend knew about our experience. So she signed up. She dated a few people one turned out to be a douche. That didn't last long, but the last one she got with worked out well. They are now married and have a baby. Another friend, if you are up for this sort of thing. He met them all on OA. Now for some bad stories. I ended up with some crazy girls. One I spoke with her for a few days, when suddenly she sent me this 5 page sob story about her life, then finished it up with how she wanted to be with me. Another one was a full on stalker. My fiance also had a number of stalker types. Even after her and I had been together for over a year. She would still get random 3 am calls from guys. She ended up having to change her number. And i thought to myself i cant be that ugly I had my picture hidden. Girls never seemed to send requests. I asked some about this. I saw on my now fiance's account that she was just getting flooded with requests and chats. I had over 100 girls on my chat list. The ones I was most interested in made it onto a special MSN account I had setup so I could chat to them easier. I had about 20 on that account. Sorry to say this but your full of it, firstly girls wont even talk to ya if ya have your profile pic hidden, secondly you female friend would find some one with no prob on there because shes a girl. No way is a dating site worth handing over money to access basic email, chat and message functions. Free dating sites offer the same thing at no cost and their novelty soon wears off for most guys who heavily outnumber their female counterparts. For every 4 or 5 guys online there is only 1 girl online. Paid dating sites having a more even ratio but most of those extra females are fake accounts added to lure guys in to hand over money for dates that will more than likely never happen. The average guy will barely get any responses from online dating sites from holier than females who think they are all that and love to reject guys for fun. The fake model pics of both male and female can be spotted a mile away. I used to be on it and felt the same never got any requests.... I think I look better than average but it was rare for me to get requests. I did manage to chat to a few descent chicks but I think there were only like 6 on my list. It hurt the confidence every time you made a request to find about more about a girl that was half descent only to find she wasnt interested in you because of apperance. On the other hand... He would add a number of girls. Would treat them like crap and only chasing one thing on it. I was genuinely after a descent girl that I could get to know but never given the chance. Sorry to say this but your full of it Would you like to speak with my fiance? Would you like photos of the engagement ring? What sort of proof would you like? Maybe your text is terrible. Not the type you would consider hot. I never had any problem meeting girls. My friend is not anything like you would consider hot, but the girls he got were nice. I am a 27 year old programmer from Adelaide. Look around at the other posts I have made and the quantity of my posts. I am not a one post account. It sounds like you have an attitude problem more than anything. It sounds like you are on the attack because girls are not falling in your lap. This is probably coming across in your profile and your chats. Stop pushing so hard. Wait for the right person to come along and have fun chatting to the others along the way. Since I am in a relationship I don't go on OA anymore, but the chatting to different people is one thing I do miss. Many dudes are on there only for sex. The woman on the site seem to be too stupid to realize that. I would think Im ok looking , carry a little but of weight. I have a sweet career in environmental management in Mining and plenty of ambition. These two things tick every woman's 'what Im looking for' section. Unfortunately many woman are after their fantasy guy I don't seem to fit what they are looking for as I don't have lean good looks. Its funny because many woman are complaining they cant find a 'real person' yet with someone like me , educated , well traveled and good career looking for a real relationship get denied 99% of the time , manly the 'not my type' but most of the time just a straight not accepted or just let my contact request expire. I went after average looking woman because I thought they might be more interesting but they turned me down as well. Many of the woman that turned me down are still on here two years later complaining they cant find a real and genuine person. They cant find a hot guy willing to stay with them for any more that a month is the real reason. The woman on oasis wont give me a chance at all. I'm in Perth and they seem really shallow. And when they do add you they will remove you for no reason. Its happened to me many times. You think the conversation is going well. They are responding positively ,them the next day they have removed you. Even though I'm only looking for friends at this stage it's not helping. The people who accept me say like one or two words and makes you think why bother. I guess I'll try join groups in real life and see where it takes me. Afte reading all this negativity, i decided to give it a go last night. I am currently in a relationship, while complicated, i'm not looking for anything else, just an experiment. Within 2 hours i already had 6 requests from women.. I had 1 picture shown and 7 pictures hidden. The picture i used i pulled a stupid face some-what like Joey from friends. I filled my profile with only positive things. If you are striking out on OA, i think it is you. Delete your profile, don't go on for a month or so, get someone to take some nice photos of you, or spend a few hours infront of the mirror with your phone getting a good shot yes it matters, it's the first impression, jeez and spend some time coming up with nice and comfortable things to put on your profile, not idiotic or macho crap, even if it's meant as a joke. I really do think the problems people have on dating websites are just their own issues and insecurities creeping through and sabotaging themselves. Wow, im actually amazed and happy for people who are doing really well on oasis active, and a little bit surprised. I guess every one is doing well except me lol I have been on and off oasis for 2 years and probably have sent over 200 requests and i have only been accepted by two woman and only woman has shown me interest. Out of the two that have shown interest i was able to chat with her for a few nights and when i asked if we could exchange numbers and perhaps meet up she deleted me. The other woman who accepted me we never talked, i sent her one msg asking her to tell me more about her self and she blocked me. The only girl who sent interest to me was a girl in a wheelchair, i dont mean to sound shallow but after 200 rejections and getting only interest from a girl in wheel chair it really destroyed my confidence so i have decided to no longer try online dating. And as with others, i have a few friends who have really good success with oasis, they get girls to send them naked photos of themselves and root them and leave them. I guess my next logical progression is to only go for the obese or disabled lol...... Many of the woman that turned me down are still on here two years later complaining they cant find a real and genuine person. They cant find a hot guy willing to stay with them for any more that a month is the real reason. The woman on oasis wont give me a chance at all. I'm in Perth and they seem really shallow. And when they do add you they will remove you for no reason. Its happened to me many times. You think the conversation is going well. They are responding positively ,them the next day they have removed you. Yes i experienced that as well. When i ever re-activate my account and search for Perth chicks its all the same girls who are still single? I think you are right about Perth chicks as well, im guessing they have high standards because perhaps WA is a mining state, hence there is a unhealthy ratio of guys to woman, and a lot of the males here are dumb, tattooed cashed up bogans who earn a shit load from digging holes in the ground i. So im guessing the increased attention due to many males and the big money floating around WA has given WA girls big ego's? The experiment worked, it just proves that girls on oasis active are only interested in guys that are model material. A lot of them were hot girls fair enough but also a lot came from plane janes and large woman which i found funny. So those claims about you increasing your luck by putting effort and writing up some big story in your profile is crap. And like you the girls asked me what my profession was even though i wrote it down on my profile lol : What can you do, that is life my friend Wow, im actually amazed and happy for people who are doing really well on oasis active, and a little bit surprised. I guess every one is doing well except me lol Serious tip for anyone who is not having any success. Get a girl to rewrite the details on your profile. You are trying to target girls i assume :P , so girls can be a great help. I am not saying get them to write it. Just write it out yourself, then get her to write it in the way she would like it to be read. If she knows you in person, even better. Get her to write the details about you that you may not see yourself. The things only a girl observing you from the outside can see. Also, make yourself stand out. I dyed my hair bright red. This increased the hits by a fair bit. Don't do something that will put off the types of girls you are after though. If you are after a quiet reserved Christian girl, then facial tattoos are probably not the right way to go. I dyed my hair bright red. This increased the hits by a fair bit. Well my profile picture has me in a pimp suit with a big fluffy pimp hat surrounded by 2 attractive girls, so i think my profile pic stands out : I dont agree with the whole putting effort into your description idea, most people mainly concentrate on the looks, thats the way attraction works. I am inches away from collecting cats. Not everyone is about looks — they do matter — there needs to be some basis for attraction, but I dont accept guys or hunt for guys with six packs bared... I'm a closet BDSM guy and want you to... Took me one of these guys to read the signs. I like manly men... But thanks so much for being honest with me — especially in your profile! He was a dirtly little perve too... I know curiosity can be ones downfall... I have an interesting story to tell. The last guy I met, we had HEAPS of chemistry over chat and over text — he was respectful with no perverted pics but we had no chemistry whatsoever at least from my side... I know he liked me a great deal and he kept rubbing my arm when he walked past me to get a drink or go to the loo... I was happy to stay friends with him, but he couldnt delete me fast enough when I didnt reciprocate via text — and that might have been male-ego... He was telling me about the girls he'd met: 1. The guy that taught me this lesson is supposedly a manager at a car products store near where I live... I said no way — I used to go out with him over a decade ago, but we're just friends and he's been an awesome friend especially recently... Anywhere from 5 to 30 requests from guys a day... So that gentlemen and ladies is a portion of what I'm dealing with... I get that girls can be shallow on there... I wanted to talk to them about oasis not be their long lost best friends... I'm a pretty good catch... I just want some attraction and chemistry — a little tiny spark will do... So yeah, cat collecting is looking like a serious option at present. I have been on this site for a few weeks. I am above average looking and I get on average around 20 requests a day 100 my first day! I never even accept those and then the requests just seem to disappear after a while so I don't have to bother rejecting them. I am not a weirdo or socially inept, quite the opposite I must be one of the 2%. But you know what? In my 30's and after a huge break up 6 months ago, I simply don't feel like hanging around bars all the time trying to meet people. And I am not looking for anything serious right now... Because I just want to have fun for a while! I was with my partner for 13 years, totally committed, never cheated or ever had the thought enter my head the whole time. And in time I will want to settle down to have a loving, meaningful relationship again. But for now, I want to have fun with hot men! Oasis is known as a hookup site, and you would be a little naive to think it's for relationships.. You do have to sift through alot of duds.. No different to a bar really, except i'm sober, have more cash in my pocket and I didn't have to get dressed up! Oasis and plentyoffish crack me up they are both the same. They are not interested in dating they want to bonk you. I'm saying this being a guy who met a chick over irc when I was around 18 and dated her for 3 years so I know fake when I see fake. And these site's make me cringe. I would much rather stay single than resort to a dating site again. Even if it is a paid dating site, doesn't make much difference to me they are the same kettle of fish to me. Find love the traditional way, first impression's still count and last I checked people don't just go to bars people meet everywhere. Moral of the story, from experience stay away from dating sites from experience you will get played in every sense and no, not in a good way. Not everyone is about looks — they do matter — there needs to be some basis for attraction, but I dont accept guys or hunt for guys with six packs bared... Just my two cents worth, but based on reading your entire post it seems to me that these are the type of guys that you would prefer, however your lack of confidence in your chances with them is what discourages you from contacting them. Anywhere from 5 to 30 requests from guys a day... Did you ask them why they were still at home? A female friend of mine is still living at home and she is 33 years old, has a good career that she enjoys, self sufficient, a world traveller and is far from broke. Fact is that she is close to her family and enjoys living with them. I have been on and off Oasis for a while now. I have met quite a few nice guys for coffee but as for finding a relationship, it hasn't worked for me. However, my best friend has just found herself a bf and I went to 2 Oasis weddings last year! So yes it really does work. I prefer Oasis because the other sites make you jump through hoops and I find them complex and very slow. Oasis with its instant chat is much better than this emailing back and forth. I have tried Plenty of Fish there weren't , Match. Scammers are on all sites, you just need to set your boundaries. After a LOT of being too trusting, my boundaries are now this... Delete and report them. Asking for my number and then never calling me? Be clear about what you are looking for, don't give too many details until you feel safe, never give out your address, meet in a public place etc etc. I don't get guys that tell her right off that bat how hot she is. You're a man, not her little pet. What do you want out of it? Get chatting on the phone and meet in real life to actually establish a connection and to see if the chemistry is there. She is probably just a nervous as you, but what's the worst that could happen. If it doesn't work, then so be it, at least your gave it a shot. Women get a lot, I mean A LOT of requests everyday especially the hot ones. You have to work numbers and stand out. Send out many requests. Don't buy into the whole 'I am going to find the love of my life on this website'. Sorry buddy, this isn't a Jennifer Lopez movie. Just have fun with it and whatever happens... That is the benefit of internet dating, you can take your time and really think about what it is you want to say about yourself. Look at other guys profiles too. If you're looking for sex, tell her! There is a catch though, don't tell her you want it to get revenge on your ex or whatever other weird emotional baggage you carry around. Guys that post pictures of themselves without shirts looking up at a 45 degree angle at the camera screams LAME. I mean show off your fun side; laugh, joke around, mess about. It's all about having FUN. If you live a boring life, do something about it. Don't sit at home all day feeling sorry for yourself playing World of Warcraft and complain no women like you. In my profile i write what im doing here in australia im studying a post graduate and i have a simple part time job and thats it no lies at all. I did an experiment as they say before i just copy paste my profile and put a pic from a latin soap opera actor thats way handsome than me, and guess what it was almost the same negative response, probably a little less maybe 80% or 85% negative. So in my own experience women read the profile and they want a man with a good job and cash not only looks Hi as a dude I could repeat what you have typed back to as a guy looking for girls. One thing I get on Oasis active 1. Its very hard for guys to get a girl to accept them. If you dont look slim im sturdy looking then you will have a very hard time. Thats why I put alot of effort into my profile so girls can look past the hot slim guys and meet a dude who actually knows something about the world. My mate is slim and toned and put one photo of him on a bike. He had 10 girls on there inside a week , so physical attractivness certainly helps. Girls get hundreds of requests every week — I know I ask then too about their experiances when I actually get to chat to them. Girls can afford to be very picky as it seems guys do most of the work on here. Refer point number 1 3. Alot of guys seem to treat oasis active as a place to act out their fantasies. Its free and anonymous so girls are easy prey. This explains the large number of pervs and sex fiends and fetish dudes. A poll in NZ about dating sites said that most guys use it for easy sex. Its probably the same for Aus as well. Many girls put dont ask for sex as a matter of course now. Im actuslly after a real relationship by the way. Some of the attractive girls put little as possible on their profile. Its annoying as hell and extremly shallow. It says Im hot so I will get requests regardless. True I suppose but still....... Any girl that doesnt wrote anything doesnt get a request either. Girls with no photos — what the hell is with that? Somehow girls think its 'normal'. Sorry no photos no acceptance. I dont accept faceless requests. I got sick of it and made a statement to that effect on my profile. Girls then demand guys have photos otherwise no acceptance. Girls will delete you for no reason or no reason that i can think of even if its going well. Chatting for ever , doesnt do it for me either. After two weeks of chatting Im wasting my time. Oasis is all about meeting face to face as then you can only make a desicion. Girls then accepting you then never being on there. I have four girls on there that I have never chatted to once as they are never on there when Im on. Sending a polite message asking the best time to chat got no replies. One even hid her profile. Of the two years being on there i had two dates. Both girls were not right for me. Nice girls just not for me. I have only had about 20 accept me over the two years out of over hundred requests. I deleted alot because they would not chat or blew me off after exchanging numeber and organising a date. Anyway its a free service and many people abuse it. Oasis can be very harsh first up but just leep plugging away. The 11 points are pet hates , but I keep plugging along. Have a look at what this girl wrote in what she is looking for in Oasis. Some skinnny english girl living in Perth What I'm Looking For Looking for someone new and interesting who isnt afraid to try new things and push their own boundries. I like to meet new people — its what i miss most about backpacking : Creativity, intelligence and a witty sense of humor goes down a storm. I'd ideally like to meet someone who also loves to travel. Nothing better than a partner in crime :- Theres too much to do in this life and not enough time. Im not interested in settling down, having a steady job or owning a house. Kids are a definate no-no for me, as is having your life revolve around your work and getting wasted with your mates on the weekend. Sorry — im completly over it. Oh, and please dont contact me if you have unjustified half naked pictures of you on your profile — especially ones you've taken of yourself in the bathroom mirror, lol. Like driving around posing in your souped up 4x4 or ute? Still wearing your cap backwards and are over the age of 17? Every shirt you own emblazened with huge logos and emblems? Have a passion for dubstep, drum n base and techno? You're not the guy for me. Now it seems its taboo for guys to demand a certain persons but girls can come out and be totally overthe top like this post. Its funny , she never wants to own a house , so when she is 60 she will have nothingi. She doesnt want her guys to have a social life , you must hang with her. Guys are to afraid to write this type of stuff as they are scared it will put girls off. Any decent single girls still around in SA anymore lol??? They will have a 1 that they like. I have 6 on my list so far. The other two seem more promsing. One loves chatting to me so far and she added me!. The other added me and sent me a message straight out saying thanks for adding her. I am going to deactivate my oasis. In had 10 girls on there in the last couple of months and never ended up meeting any off them becasue they were always 'too busy' every weekend or just never talked to you. I also really thought I had meet a really decent girl on there. We talked alot on oasis for a week when I was on site. She found me as well on the site. We had alot in common. Then she just never went on anymore. I sent her messages asking her how she was , I suggested to meet up. She would go online once a week then never responded to any of my messages. Then she went off line for 3 weeks. Frustrated I removed her. Girls are so freaking rude on here. They add you , dont talk to you ,etc etc. Somes up oasis really. I found out its a 60-40 split men to woman. Alot of guys just want sex and treat woman like crap on it as well and spoils it for the rest. Also woman NEVER look at your profile before deciding to reject your request. I think maybe 1 out of 20 would actually look before making a decision. Most make a desicion based on a tiny photo. I think girls have too many guys circling around them. So they can afford to be rude and picky. Oasis is total BS. I tried out RSVP a while back. All I got was one email from them saying I'd breached some condition, telling me to re-edit my profile and submit again no I never put any contact details in it — not that doofus! RSVP — you are nothing but a bunch of flaphead scum-sucking losers. Oasis is ok since it's free, but 99 percent of the 'contacts' are fake accounts. I never was able to find any genuine members that would actually respond to an attempt by me to contact them. Adult match maker, which I've tried out a few times, seems to have a reasonable number of real people, but almost nobody responds to guy contacts on that site when it's a ratio of 500+ guy members to every girl member if you include all the fake accounts. I'm now using eharmony and have already had two successful connections through it, so unlike RSVP owned by Fairfax media which is pure and simple a scamming site, eharmony seems to genuinely work the way a dating site should work. There are heaps of sites out there to get a quick fcuk, but that's not what I'm after. Having last year been through a pretty difficult breakup of a 15 yr relationship, I don't want to go down the 'lets meet for NSA sex' path. Also woman NEVER look at your profile before deciding to reject your request. I think maybe 1 out of 20 would actually look before making a decision. Most make a desicion based on a tiny photo. I think girls have too many guys circling around them. So they can afford to be rude and picky. I always looked at a guy's profile before deciding to accept or reject. The photo is an important part but the profile is too. Especially where big differences occur such as religion and views on children are concerned. I think these girls telling you they get 100 requests a day or a week are probably telling fibs to make themselves sound in demand! I've spoken to a few people I know who are on dating sites and none of them receive that many, both guys and girls. I think these girls telling you they get 100 requests a day or a week are probably telling fibs to make themselves sound in demand! I've spoken to a few people I know who are on dating sites and none of them receive that many, both guys and girls. Im not interested in settling down, having a steady job or owning a house. It all depends on how you interpret it. To me this says she's young, still wants to travel and doesn't want to be tied down yet. I've seen quite a few guys profiles that emphasize on the don't wants. One guys profile I saw said he's sick of girls not reading his profile and that he's honest and a nice guy, but is being ignored on the site. He goes on to say if a chick wants a hot guy he will be a jerk and she deserves it. I was on there, mainly to meet guys for a quickie. But seriously, I know a couple of years back that a large portion of my guy friends were on there and small portion of the girls and 90% of these people were the type that would never have trouble meeting or picking up the opposite sex on the weekend, they just thought 'Why not? I went with a friend to meet a girl off there and both the girl and winglady she had were great and fun. I don't think he heard back from her after a all-nighter passion session, but surely you can't be mad at Oasis Active for that! Have a look at what this girl wrote in what she is looking for in Oasis. Some skinnny english girl living in Perth Pretty common profile. Then they go on about things that wouldnt matter for that such as no logos on shirts. So the conclusion I am getting is she wants a nice dinner beforehand. I tried out RSVP a while back. All I got was one email from them saying I'd breached some condition, telling me to re-edit my profile and submit again no I never put any contact details in it — not that doofus! RSVP — you are nothing but a bunch of flaphead scum-sucking losers. Did you get your money back? Sounds like once people are signed up to a membership they lock the accounts because all the profiles you think you're contacting once you pay, are fake. You are quoting significantly more words than you have written. RSVP banned me for some reason and all I did was make an account. Their tech support refuses to answer my emails for an explanation. Maybe its because I blocked their bots who kept sending requests.... Exactly what happened to me with RSVP. I had paid for an RSViP membership, and a full set of 'stamps', then three days later my account was deleted with a terse 'you have breached our terms of service' email, and ever since there has been no response to my regular inquiries to find out what happened. So basically I've given RSVP the flick suck on that Fairfax media you idiots! Never got one positive contact from it. Did you get your money back? Sounds like once people are signed up to a membership they lock the accounts because all the profiles you think you're contacting once you pay, are fake. As per another message I just posted didn't realise it was in this same thread! Edit: I must say, I find the site a bit over the top, most girls I agree with previous post only go on looks, they reject you straight away, yet the funny thing is the girls who reject you are often well not up to scratch themselves, then the ones who do accept you have a quick chat or for a couple of days chat then thats it, becomes a bit bullish after a while, and unless your actually willing to relocate for the right person you get so use to the same profiles from your area, would I do it again, probably not. Miss Poppy, yours sounds how my experience is going! I have had a few requests from 'women' wanting a lady to join them and hunny for some bedroom time... I have met 19 guys off there in the last two years and still going. I agree with someone having something to show for their time on the planet.. I have worked my bum off for what I have... You get out of these sites what you put in and also need to exercise a bit of common sense and caution. I was originally on RSVP and went out with at least a dozen lovely ladies over a 6 month period. A couple, I remain good friends with and will remain life-long friends. I also met a couple of kooks and barred a few that I did not meet. I joined eHarmony and consider it a scam site. Huh — how can you match a profile that has no detail. The cost of eHarmony is a real trap as you usually have to pay to read a message. Around 7 months ago, I joined Oasis Active and you get a similar mix of nice people and kooks. As with all these sites, you do need to apply some filtering and overall, I found people are less likely to have an agenda. Maybe this is due to it being a free site? Shortly after joining Oasis, I met someone I got on well with from the first moment we 'chatted'. I have now been going out with her for 7 months and it looks like becoming a lasting thing. Should I need to use a dating site again, I would not hesitate to use Oasis. I joined eHarmony and consider it a scam site. Huh — how can you match a profile that has no detail. I spent ages filling out their lengthy questionnaires and then tried the match button... Yes, i think the site is a scam. I'd have to say the quality of the girls is going down! I can't find a single person I have any interest in. Not just looks, but personality. There doesn't seen to be an average looking nice smart girls on there. You either have crazy chicks or ones that are either good looking and picky, or just plain narcissistic. I've had one good 8 month relationship from oasis. Then one date with a really nice girl that to be honest I was pinching myself I actually got a date! Good looks and smart as! Now there is nothing. Maybe have to wait for Jan and Feb to come around when the girls wanna get a man before the summer ends. My best mate just married his gf of 2 years... They met on OA. For their wedding they had small fridge magnets that looked like keyboard keys, which spelled L-O-V-E.... Placed one everyone's table... This began small discussions around the tables between those who didnt know how they met and I thought it was a pretty clever way to show how they did indeed meet.. I have tried it for a few months and to be honest-The men lie about age some as much as 20 years I am guessing, married or youngsters age 20 looking for bootie.. They do not read what you have to say and just click for the hell of it.. Some even have photos of their children with them which is ODD.... Generally, you don't want to give someone enough information to find you. Keep it to chat until you decide this person is mentally stable and you'd like to meet them. Swap numbers and make a date. If things go wrong don't contact them again. If you do get along in person and want to be friends or more, go nuts! In other news — I was getting ready to ask a girl out when she mentioned she was on reddit. I did a quick google and found her account it links back to her dating profile. She's seeing 5 guys and has two friends with benefits. Before meeting someone in person, ask if they're seeing anyone else. EDIT: I'm finding the bogan factor high on Oasis Active and RSVP. OKCupid is nice, and eHarmony is full of 30 something women pouncing on guys to have children. She's seeing 5 guys and has two friends with benefits. Sounds like such a busy lady! A guy for every night to ensure she is never lonely! Before meeting someone in person, ask if they're seeing anyone else. Good thinking, I never thought of that. So I gather you wouldn't want to see a person who is testing the waters with someone else? I almost feel like online dating rules are slightly different to the real world. I can barely run my own life, let alone have to deal with three people's worth of drama. You run the risk of letting a great catch slip away, but there's so many more people out there : I've been using OA for about a month, figured it would be an easy way to ease myself into dating after the end of my marriage. I'm nothing fancy, got a bit of extra weight on me but I've had no issues getting dates and have been out with some genuinely nice guys. I think I did well with it because I was pretty up front in my profile about who I am and I took the time not to judge the guys that sent me requests on the one photo they had and I've been surprised! Might have me a boyfriend out of it the way things are going with a really lovely guy I've been out with quite a few times. My pet peeves are the 5 line copy and pasted generic profiles and the guys I do add that take all of 10 seconds to ask me if I like certain things in bed. Some of the views expressed in this thread about the unrealistic wants of women on OA are definitely not an accurate reflection of all of us! I first used Oasis Active in Nov 2009. Had a 8 month break from it from Oct 2011 to June 2012. Have been on and off it since then, sometimes deactivating my account only to re-activate not long after. I figure as annoying as it can be you've got to be in it to win it. I don't really network with people at all, let alone with women around my own age. Its just not something I do because I am strictly my own person and don't allow any compromise on that. As good as that has been in many ways, the above mentioned problem happens. As for OA, I have sent out many requests as one could imagine. My experience is similar to many here in that I generally don't get many replies. Of those I have requested I have had many that I've chatted to on the Oasis IM service I say many as the amount of time I've had on it would of course heighten the chances of having many chats. Only 2-3 I've spoken to on the phone, have technically met 2 but really they were probably as much friendly meet-ups. If there's one big compliment of the service, its the layout and format of the site. I have actually looked at this forum topic a few times before singing up for a Whirlpool account and found some of the posts amusing. It was nice to hear that a couple of people had advanced to the stage of marriage and kids from Oasis contacts. I can't help but think though that online dating ruins the whole dynamic of how relationships are meant to be formed, through family or social networking most commonly a combination of both I imagine. I met my current parter on OA. We will have been together 3 years in April. Especially funny seeing as she literally lived right around the corner. So, it does happen!!! We met on OA 3 years ago he lived 10 mins away! There are some good stories out there guys, and not all chicks are a misery to contact ;. P Good luck if you're looking :. I used both RSVP and Oasis, met some nice girls on both but probably more so on RSVP. Seemed to attract more single mums on Oasis than single women for some reason. Anyway met my current girlfriend through RSVP and so far things have been going well : The only advice I can give to guys for online dating is keep trying and get back on the horse if you have an unsuccessful date with someone. You'll find someone eventually. Keep trying and keep getting rejected? No thanks, If that's your mindset, then you've got no chance of finding someone. Try new things or just meet new people in general, don't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Trust me you go nowhere doing that and end up feeling worse. I've been on and off these sites. I did meet a girl on oasis a couple of years ago and we did the whole dating thing for a while, slept with her and all that mumbo jumbo. She was nice but didn't work out anyway... Though the ones I contacted rejected me anyway. But for some reason I feel oasis has too many stuck up women on there? I've met a lot more nicer people on okcupid and the fact that it allows you to message them something smart so they'll reply is also good. I think that messes guys up on oasis, they just look at your pic and decide there if they wanna contact you. If you're not even that good looking on okcupid at least you got the chance to say something smart and funny. Right now I am talking to about ¾ women from okcupid. I chat and cam with one everyday, shes from the Philippines, so different than Aussie girls. Another girl I speak with on the phone often is a Romanian girl from the UK and she's really nice too. She is planning to come to Australia soon and even asked if she could stay with me for a few days. Anyway I am thinking of trying oasis again... I do like the style and how it works, especially the app but the women on there seem to not be for me. Also, I will say this.. I've probably messaged over 100 women on okcupid and a lot don't reply but a lot also do reply. A few turn out to be long term friends and that's good. My point is, if you keep trying you'll find someone to talk to... I've always just about deleted my profile but I stick around and end up finding interesting people all over the world to talk to. Maybe try other sites and expand the location instead of just Australia or your state. In fact, all the women I am talking to are NOT from Australia. Just can't find any decent women where I live! Another girl I speak with on the phone often is a Romanian girl from the UK and she's really nice too. She is planning to come to Australia soon and even asked if she could stay with me for a few days. Do let us know how much money you transfer to these girls when something goes wrong on their way to Australia i met my current gf on oasis 4 yrs ago. Then she had to move home. However, when i was skinny, i was VERY handsome. When i was hot i could score hot gfs, but not now. So im very happy. Back on topic, though oasis and lava life, rsvp, adult match maker — ive used many over the yrs ive met a vast variety of interesting women : theyre out there, u just have to be persistent. Girls, especially nice girls who are looking for love and a great relationship.. DO NOT go on Oasis active, the worst site ever My best friend met guy who lurks on there day and night as soon found out This guy has a mental illness, he looks ok and has a job, but how come he is there every few months looking for new talent?!? I'm not looking to be a father figure to anyone nor open my wallet any more often than the girl I'm dating does. I would rather MGTOW or chew off my fingers than to click yes. Im doing pretty well six figure salary, own my own house, healthy etc. I can only see other single fathers or divorced males who would go for this. But overall Oasis is full of single parents its not funny no more. I would rather MGTOW or chew off my fingers than to click yes. Im doing pretty well six figure salary, own my own house, healthy etc. I can only see other single fathers or divorced males who would go for this. But overall Oasis is full of single parents its not funny no more. Realistically normal people largely don't need to use dating sites, and I say that as someone who does use them. So the people who do are what's 'left over'. For guys it's a crutch to avoid being social or cold approaching I'm getting out there more but that's my reason for using online sites up until now. For women it's because they are out of options or don't have much to offer — if they're social and halfway attractive, they get offers just by existing out in public. If they are stuck at home with no job and 3 kids, yeah, online it is. I guess we all have different views. I'm 31 and my target age range of girls is younger than me down to about 21. Nothing too serious in mind, so anyone with kids is just unthinkable. I would never want my own kids either so last thing I'd want is to be roped into looking after someone else's. I can't see prospective partners having kids as being a huge positive, doesn't it just mean there is baggage always there, possibly an ex who will invoke some conflict or financial demands, and an element of bad decision making or instability since they aren't together any more despite the kids? For women it's because they are out of options or don't have much to offer — if they're social and halfway attractive, they get offers just by existing out in public. If they are stuck at home with no job and 3 kids, yeah, online it is.